Are you ready to sell some studio gear? Showtrade’s Facilitator Marketing Service is an easy "One-Step Customer Process" developed for those who simply don’t have the time or expertise to fulfill today’s on-line marketing requirements.
Our facilitator flexible services and pricing provide any and all of the following services your needs may require:
- Item Research!
- Item Appraisal!
- Item Photography!
- Item Creative Writing!
- Item Listing Placement!
- Item Marketing and Sales!
- Item Transaction Analysis!
- Item Marketing Promotion!
- Item Phone and E-Mail Inquiries!
- Close of Item Sales that Protect Seller's Funds!
Showtrade® practices a "No Risk Policy!" Except for up-front fees collected if you choose an Auction with a reserve, YOU will incur no costs or fees if YOUR Item does not sell! In addition, if you plan to use an Item’s proceeds in purchasing new equipment, we will cooperate with your professional retailer in their "evaluation and trade-in process!"
For items listed in Showtrade Auction and Buy It Now Commerce Centers, visit our eBay store at http://stores.ebay.com/Showtrade-Outlet
Showlinks and its Web Affiliates are Divisions of Soundcastle® Studios...Serving Worldwide Entertainment Since 1970!
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